The Keys to Weight Maintenance

*Interview with Susan Radway

Maintenance is going to be the hardest part of this entire program.

You should be learning about maintenance from the very beginning. Don’t leave your clinic while on maintenance. This is a long lasting relationship and you should be going and getting weighed regularly so that you can catch bad habits forming.

You can’t eat the way you did and not gain weight. For the 1st month of maintenance, you should weigh in weekly. For the 2nd and 3rd months weigh in every other week. Once you feel comfortable, weigh in once a month.

What are the phases and why would I need to phase off?

Phase 1 is for weight loss. You are on Phase 1 until you reach your goal. You will consume 3 Ideal Protein products, 4 cups of vegetables, and 8 ounces of protein a day. Think about the amount of food you are eating while on Phase 1 and you are not hungry. When thinking about maintenance you do not need to jump up your calories. In maintenance, people tend to overeat.

Phase 2 is for 14 days and it is to begin to transition you into maintenance. You are now at goal during this phase. You need to have a weight range and a trigger point where you know you need to not go past. You also will lose one of the Ideal Protein products, which is replaced by 8 more ounces of protein. Be careful about the amount of calories consumed. If you add a lot more calories to your diet, your body will begin to store it as fat.

Phase 3 is for pre-stabilization. You are down to one Ideal Protein product and carbs and healthy fats are reintroduced. During this phase you need to listen to your body and see what your body can handle. Things like grains may not be agreeable to your body. You are slowly returning to the right amount of calories in this phase.

Phase 4 is maintenance. There are no Ideal Protein products in this phase. Does it mean you can never have IP products again? No, you can supplement with Ideal Protein products if you choose to. You will stumble, but keep going and connect with your clinic or another coach to stay on track.

What do you do if you are going to have surgery or going to go on vacation and have some indulgences like alcohol? How do you properly phase off?

For surgery, you want to allow your body to properly heal. You body will need the energy. This does not mean you need to eat junk food, it does not allow your body to heal. Ask yourself “what nourishes me?” You want to be properly phased off at least one week before surgery and for one week after surgery, and then you can hop back on protocol.

For vacations, ask yourself, who do I want to be on this trip?  If you want to indulge on something, stick to that plan and pick one thing, but don’t indulge consistently throughout your trip. If you start adding extra calories and indulgences while on vacation, you will gain weight and will then deal with sugar detox again. You will ultimately lose weight lose time and money. You CANNOT drink alcohol while on protocol. Vacation does not mean free for all. A wedding doesn’t give you permission to trash yourself. If you are going to be successful, you have to start the self-care and self-love approach now. Remind yourself of your why.

While on maintenance, how do we keep old habits from forming?

It is about retraining the brain and being conscience of what we do. Sugar is dangerous for many people. We have to start asking ourselves why we feel led to specific foods. Slowly reintroduce foods that you like and that are healthy. Fat is needed but it will fight you for the 1st year or two and try to bring you back to where you were. You get rid of old habits by doing new good habits. Create boundaries to protect yourself from the old habits. Focus on self-love and heal yourself from the past. Be aware of traditions from childhood, like having chicken noodle soup or a popsicle when you are sick. Ask yourself, why is this necessary? Then ask yourself what you can do instead that is healthy to make yourself feel better.

Why is journaling so important in maintenance?

Find out what is critical for you in being successful whether it is journaling or meal prepping, etc. Journaling can be critical for a lot of people. Tracking food and your feelings is very important. Journaling will point out to you areas of concern. Your journal is for you.

In maintenance, how do you learn what is right or wrong for you?

Decide who you are. What will be your plan? For example are you Keto, Paleo, Whole30? What works for you? Feed your body good, healthy, quality things including supplements. It is expensive to be healthy, but it is even more expensive to be unhealthy. It is up to you on what you choose to put into your body, but know it is a balance. If you like oatmeal, know that it has a lot of carbs, so what will you balance it out with?  You have to own your kitchen. It is better for you to make your own food. Cook for yourself 90% of the time.

One response to “The Keys to Weight Maintenance”

  1. How do you calculate the right amount of carbs protein and fat to have?
    I get very confused with trying to understand it.

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